Beauty blunders… we all make them. Hopefully we learn and move on. Whether it’s a dye-job gone awry or parachute pants, I know you’ve got one.
What was your worst beauty blunder?
Mine? I’ve had a few. Bowl cuts, bad perms, clothes that were either way too big or way too small. But this may be the worst. My hubby and I were invited to a friend’s Christmas Tacky Sweater Party. Instead of just a tacky sweater, I wore tacky hair, a tacky shirt and a tacky sweater. CJ didn’t even want to be seen in the car with me on the way to the party. So when in doubt, scale back and remember that there are ALWAYS cameras present when you look your worst.
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of all time. Pure awesomeness (if that’s even a word). Yes, there is definitely a time and place for beauty blunders. I think my worst beauty blunder is when I go to the hardware store. It feels like a dirty store so I automatically assume it’s ok to go there sweaty with scrubby clothes on.. Until I get to the check out line and the person ringing me up is looking me up and down making sure I really have money in my purse. So, maybe it would be a good idea to at least shower, put on a little mascara, brush my hair and wear a decent t-shirt and pair of jeans before heading out to the hardware store. I’m still in a public place, dirty or not.