One of the first things K asked was if I had ever photographed a Native American. Having come from South Georgia where the Native American population is .23%, I could honestly say no. Well, unless you count my friend in high school who is 1/16th. But, really, I take each woman as an individual, regardless of skin tone, ethnicity, hair type, and make them look as gorgeous as they ever have and more importantly make them feel AMAZING. I think her question touched on something, though. Every woman who contacts me is a little bit nervous that somehow they won’t look as glamorous as the women in our portfolios. Whether it’s concerns about age, size, skin color, height… everyone seems to be surprised at their own beauty. I think Adeana and I are the only ones who aren’t surprised. We see it from the moment a woman walks in our doors.
Makeup by Edgar Campos
Hair by Andrew Madvin
Photography by Leslie Cersovski