What an amazing woman! She’s been through surgeries that left scars. She raised two beautiful daughters and they’ve turned into wonderful young women like their mama. I got to see one of their engagement pictures. Congrats to the happy couple! She’s married to a man she’s crazy about. What a babe! With a career in esthetics, she knows how to take care of herself. She is luminescent even without a hint of makeup. In Adeana Dillon’s chair, she transformed from natural beauty to total sex kitten. She brought out her beautiful eyes with a copper-toned smokey eye and bold lashes. I could have photographed this lady for hours. I’m guessing she’d disagree. Like most of my clients, she was surprised how physically rigorous modeling can be.

Thank you, K, for trusting me to share your beauty with the world.

Photo copyrighted to Leslie Cersovski at www.LavishBoudoir.com. All rights reserved. #boudoir #iloveboudie pink longline bra & high waist panties. #backlit #portrait #sexy

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