
face of Lavish Boudoir winner 2013
I could not have been blessed with better choices for models.  So many beautiful women with exceptionally beautiful spirits.  I adore each of you.

Congratulations to Jennifer, the face of Lavish Boudoir 2013!!!

17 Responses

  1. OMG! Seriously? Thank you so much for seeing potential in this old girl. The women were all so uniquely special and amazing and feel like the luckiest woman in the world to represent Lavish! Thank you 🙂

  2. Thank you, I think you are one of the most beautiful women Ive ever seen!I just knew it was you!

  3. Awe thanks as I showed a friend of mine the pictures yesterday (bc she wouldn’t stop asking to see them) I told her that I knew u were the winner. Your pictures were beautiful.

  4. congratulations Jennifer! With your flowing red hair and epic beauty:) It was a great choice. I admired all our beauty and enjoyed the experience.

  5. that was so sweet! Leslie wasn’t kidding about the quality of all you beautiful women. Thank you for your beautiful compliment:)

  6. Leslie, I just wanted to say Thank You for the opportunity to be in your finally 4. It was a fun and amazing experience and hope I will see u again. Your had a tough choice to make but you picked a great women. Thanks again for the chance to be apart of your great work of art.

  7. thanks Sherry hard to believe you and I have so many beautiful girls between us.. We are blessed. <3

  8. and Tiffany’s were beautiful also all such beautiful women….reminds of us all how lucky we are to be women. 🙂