Homemade Bread

My favorite recipe

use melted butter instead of oil

Happy New Year!!!! 

Is your resolution (starting tomorrow of course) to eat less processed food? To take care of your body with actual foods and ingredients you recognize? Me, too. I mean I started this a couple months ago when I listened to Dr. Casey Means on the Megyn Kelly podcast  and Tucker Carlson’s interview. 

I’ve always had this vague “do better” and “eat healthier” mentality. Count the calories, watch the fiber and protein intake, stay away from allllll the sugar. Now, Dr. Casey Means wrote a book and it is intense. I find it kind of adorable because she doesn’t have kids yet. You know how before you’re a parent you have lots of “I will never…xyz” and then reality teaches you a thing or two. 

So, I will never strive to be 100% “good energy” like she is because that’s not the world I currently live in. Instead of cutting out all the bad, I’m finding ways to replace with better. Does it take more time? Yes, but I’ve learned to enjoy it. Does it take more money? Not really, all those packaged foods are freaking expensive now. So the first thing I really feel like I mastered is homemade white fluffy bread. I had a few fails along the way. First try: Too crusty

First Try: Too Crusty

For sandwich bread, I prefer a softer crust

Second Try:

I left the oven light on while it was proofing and essentially baked it like an EZ Bake Oven.

Third Try:

nailed it. It’s amazing with herbed cream cheese from South Mountain Creamery and local tomatoes. 


So much better than a bag of Cheetos. Are my kids on board with all of this? Nope. Do I force them to eat for “good energy” all the time? Nope. Do I force them to eat it 50% of the time? Yup. I’m converted. I feel more satisfied with food, I feel virtuous for cutting out the poisons I fed my body for 40 years, and I feel hopeful that maybe if I take good care of my body, my body will take good care of me for another 40+ years.