Digital files kind of suck
IT's christmas eve and i'm feeling nostalgic
We live in a digital world. It's how we communicate (duh, you're reading this), it's how we socialize, it's how we shop, and it's how we entertain ourselves.
Sadly, it's also the primary way we hold on to our memories. I remember flipping through my Nana & Papa's wedding album and family scrapbooks. Holding those photos in my hands, I felt like I was taken back in time.
I'm old enough that I grew up taking selfies with a polaroid or disposable film camera. Con: Most were terrible Pro: I still have most of them in a box. Then shortly after college, everything started switched to little digital pocket cameras. Then came the iphones. Pro: practice makes perfect on those selfies Con: I have literally no idea where most of those digital files went and I have a few corrupt drives that probably mean I'll never see them again. Well, what about the cloud? It's not as much fun to hover over a digital screen with all that stress-causing blue light and click down memory lane.
I don't even have a wedding album!!! I've been married for more than 15 years. 7/8 discs are backed up on the cloud and i'm too overwhelmed to make my own album. So I look at the one and only framed print we have on the wall of my bedroom. And my wedding was way too much fun to relegate to a single posed photo. I still don't know what happened to disc 7, but its gone and took the memories with it.
All of that to say, I'm a firm believer in prints and, even better, albums. It's really difficult to lose a 12x16 handmade album. It's also a lot more fun to browse page by page than it is to scroll my phone. So if a client truly demands digitals only, I can do that for the same price and throw in a free album. 😉 I offer the best of both worlds, a beautiful album you'll cherish for decades and still have the ability to send a naughty text. And yes, you'll have the full size files for backup. Because sometimes physical things do disappear in fires, floods, etc. So indulge in the tactile intimacy of an album and fall in love with both yourself and your photos.