
This is my first Mother’s Day as a mom… even if I’m still little more than an incubator.  But it made me think about how every woman should be celebrated in some special way this day.  You can be a mom in so many ways.  Women are nurturers by nature… we just each choose what deserves our love and attention.  Some moms love and care for four-legged creatures (and we know that they can often be as trying as the two-legged variety); some moms cuddle and kiss away the bad days for their husband or boyfriend; some moms grow a career with time, effort and dedication; some moms will fight tooth and nail so that their friends have joy in their lives.  I think that being a mom is about nurturing something and watching it grow simply because you loved it.
So, happy mother’s day to

Jen – who spoils Franq with endless hours of fetch and tirelessly works to create a hit show on the CW

Shannon – who offers snuggles  on-demand both to Smokey and her aspiring police officer

My sisters (including the in-laws)- who are raising beautiful children who I can only hope will influence Leo

Leigh – who has taken to motherhood like a competitive swimmer to water

Courtney – because little Miss Paisley is handful and she is always the voice of reason to help her friends make the best decisions

My Mommy – who gives endlessly to the children she’s birthed and call her own, but also to countless children through education and offering a shoulder to lean on

CJ’s  Mommy – I’ve never met a woman who loves to love so much.

My Nana – What a strong woman.. even at the young age of 91.

My clients, my friends and anyone who stumbles across this entry – I’m sure you’re a kick-ass mom to something special in your life.





6 Responses

  1. Thank you for letting us share the spotlight on Mother’s Day! I hope you have had an amazing day Miss Mommy Leslie!