Miss A and I were connected through a former client.  Thanks Miss K!  She just got married this month and decided to do this as a special treat for her new hubby.  Lucky guy, right?  She hired Courtney from Kiss & Makeup to do the perfect sexy bride look.  She brought along a piece from the VS Sexy Little Bride line and it was gorgeous.  I already posted a sneak preview of a few of her pictures, but I wanted to keep her face concealed until after her wedding.  I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.  It’s been driving me crazy because she’s just so friggin’ gorgeous and it was such a shame to crop out her face.  But now she’s officially wed and the cat is out of the bag.  Thanks Miss A for trusting me to help start your marriage off on a decidedly sexy note.  Congrats!

One Response

  1. Um AMAZING. Mrs. A (now Mrs. H!!) looks so beautiful and comfortable in these shots. Her makeup is so beautiful and natural – love! I’m sure Mr. H loved them! Glad I could be the hook up!Love,
    Miss K, now Mrs. F