OMG – this lady is hot hot hot. Can you believe that she wasn’t sure she wanted to shoot boudoir? After we chatted a bit, I talked her into bringing at least one set of sexy lingerie. Am I glad I did! She looked AMAZING! She’s a self-described simple girl who likes Anthropologie and would rather wear a sheet than stockings, but we took her out of her comfort zone just a bit. Her beautiful makeover started with time from Adeana Dillon, who did her hair and makeup. She did a great job as usual. This woman just awed me with her poise and natural ability in front of the camera. No, she’s not a model… she’s a mom. She just happens to be a knock-out. We made sure to take some G-rated beauty shots that she could show her little boy. Thank you G for letting me sexy up my portfolio with your gorgeous portraits.
Omg she is gorgeous ! The hair,makeup and shoot is amazing, it’s so natural & fresh. Love that look*
She’s stunning!