
L has been one of my favorite clients to date.   We totally got off to a rocky start.  Somehow I completely spaced on our consultation (this is the very first time I’ve done this).  So I’m working in my yoga gear with my hair pulled up and no makeup.  The doorbell rings and I’m thinking “Ooh! FedEx!”  Uh no.  I don’t know who looked more shocked to see the other.  Fortunately L just laughed and I invited her in to show her my work and give her a little advice about her upcoming shoot.  Thankfully, she didn’t run screaming from my makeup-free face. Fast-forward to her shoot and she brought the most darling clothing. My absolute favorite was the lacy tee with sequins.  She got the full glam treatment and looked incredible, but I must say that her skin was absolutely flawless to begin with.  Check out the first pic, she was brave enough to shoot with the front door wide open.  So worth it, right?


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