“She’s my sister.  Break her heart and I’ll break your face.”  – Unknown
Okay, I was going to post a syrupy sweet quote about sisters, but this is a little more accurate.  These are some seriously feisty girls.  Adeana and I like to keep things running smoothly; we have a system that works.  And then you get girls like these.  Ha! Enthusiastic, sarcastic, energetic and a tad wild do not even begin to describe these girls.  They’re the type of girl to sign the other up for a reality show without telling her.  I finally had to separate them in order to get more than just laughing expressions.  Each is so beautiful and they love each other like crazy.  What a blessing it is to be a sister and to have one.

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sisters beauty shoot albuquerque - lavish boudoirsisters beauty shoot albuquerqueRandom note: I LOVE the Omega Reflector from Westcott.  Check it out.