Black Bodysuit for Boudoir

Still on the simplicity kick here… a black long sleeve body suit. With coloring like snow white… K looks absolutely stunning in this suit. You can find similar ones at, or even Amazon. Boudoir pro tip: the ones without crotch snaps are better if you can find them.

Boudoir at 40 – Miss L

LH-Lavish-Boudoir-002.jpg L, you are one of the coolest women I’ve encountered. You rolled up to your consult in this bad-ass Jeep. Not the kind for cruising around town to look cute, but the kind that may or may not have rolled over a few times. And here you were booking boudoir at 40 (something) and I […]

Miss C | Brand New Mom

I’m going to let C’s words speak for me… “Before my shoot I was nervous to say the least. At first I was as excited as one can be but as the shoot day drew closer I was second guessing my decision to go ahead with it. I thought of all the negatives about my […]