Miss M – Glamour Photoshoot
Glamour Photoshoot Sometimes a woman simply cannot recognize her own stunning beauty. M and I have been friends for a couple years now. We have 5 small children between us (me: 2, her: 3), so sometimes we’ll go months without seeing each other. But she’s one of the most vibrant women I’ve ever met. She’s […]
Miss K – Glamour Photoshoot
One of the first things K asked was if I had ever photographed a Native American. Having come from South Georgia where the Native American population is .23%, I could honestly say no. Well, unless you count my friend in high school who is 1/16th. But, really, I take each woman as an individual, regardless […]
There’s just something about makeup artists with wild hair!
Actually neither is particularly wild, but I do think it’s funny that Erica, this GORGEOUS woman, reminds me so much of Adeana. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t resist hiring her. We did our first test shoot today. I did her pictures, she did my makeup. I think this little thing will work out just fine. […]
Miss A – Maternity Glamour – Thomasville, GA
Miss A heard about me from a past client who took her maternity pictures with me. She said she just had to have pictures taken in our flowing goddess dress. A is about 32 weeks along with her beautiful baby E. Since I’m only a couple of weeks behind her, we really had fun. A […]
Miss L – Tallahassee, Florida
I love it when good clients recommend a friend. L and I have been trying to work out a shoot, but we could never coordinate schedules. She lived in South Florida and I never visited the area at a good time. So when she moved up north to the Tallahassee area, we got it together! […]
The Most Beautiful Woman in the World – and the cutest kid
Not that I’m biased, but I happen to think my mom and kid are just gorgeous. Don’t you agree? My mom asked for some classy and conservative headshots for Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. I was happy to oblige. Leo photobombed his way into a few shots, but of course they turned out to be Grandma’s favorites. […]
Hollywood Glamour Couple
J is a verified boudie addict. Every time I photograph her, it’s magical. This time she brought, G, her amazing fiance for a few pictures. How handsome does he look in his tux?! They decided to get a traditional matted album to use for the wedding guest book. Guests can sign right on the mats. […]
Miss M – Beauty by Lavish Boudoir
Miss M came in for a beauty shoot. I wanted to channel old Hollywood with glamorous waves and dramatic lighting. What do you think of this gorgeous lady? P.S. I see a hint of Fergie in her, don’t you? Makeup by Adeana Dillon Photography by Leslie Cersovski Copyright Leslie Cersovski @ Lavish Boudoir www.LavishBoudoir… – […]
Miss T – Glamour Portraits by Lavish Boudoir
I’ve dabbled in the genre of beauty or glamour portraiture for a couple of years. I believe that boudoir portraiture is really only appropriate for women who are no longer teenagers, but there are also so many 18- and 19-year-olds who have outgrown their classic senior portraits. You know what I’m talking about… the head […]
Moving Portrait – Lavish Boudoir
Another photographer introduced me to the concept of cinemagraphs. Apparently there is another way to create this effect that uses actual video footage, but this was me just winging it before I actually read a tutorial. It could use some fine-tuning, but I think it’s pretty cool for a moving glamour portrait. What do […]