Miss SM – Lavish Boudoir

Meet S. A fabulously 50+ client who threw her doubts aside and booked a session for her hubby (and herself).  She absolutely sparkles from within.  That beautiful red hair most definitely suits her personality.  She had hilarious stories and mischief in her eyes.   S wrote me a very kind review on facebook, and I’d like […]

Miss K – Lavish Boudoir

Another shot of the beautiful Miss K.  I’ve been working on the posing book photos and this sexy one really caught my eye.  What do you think? 

Miss K – Lavish Boudor

The second I saw this woman’s photos, I was dying to photograph her. She sent me a couple iphone pics to submit to be one of my pose book models.  So I invited her in for a quickie test shoot and with about 10 minutes, this is what we got.  I can’t wait to start […]

Miss S – Lavish Boudoir

I am starting a new blogging format for my sessions. Instead of posting a dozen photos  at once, I’ll stick to just a few to highlight at a time.  I know, I’m a tease. This is S.  One of those clients who I can see transform. It’s not the makeup or the photos. It’s that […]

Couple Part I by Lavish Boudoir – Maryland

There were just too many hot pics to cram into one entry, so there will be three!  Make sure to check them all out. Why not triple the sexy?   This next photo is EVERYWHERE. Both with permission and without… but it’s gone viral on Pinterest, so go on and Pin away and hashtag #relationshipgoals […]

Creative Shoot – Lavish Boudoir

When J said, “Well, I just tore up a bunch of stuff this morning!”  I had no idea the shoot would be so hot.  This lady has got some seriously amazing legs. Photography by Leslie Makeup by Adeana Dillon Styling by Jennifer

Miss T – Glamour Portraits by Lavish Boudoir

I’ve dabbled in the genre of beauty or glamour portraiture for a couple of years.  I believe that boudoir portraiture is really only appropriate for women who are no longer teenagers, but there are also so many 18- and 19-year-olds who have outgrown their classic senior portraits.  You know what I’m talking about… the head […]

Moving Portrait – Lavish Boudoir

Another photographer introduced me to the concept of cinemagraphs.   Apparently there is another way to create this effect that uses actual video footage, but this was me just winging it before I actually read a tutorial.  It could use some fine-tuning, but I think it’s pretty cool for a moving glamour portrait.  What do […]