Beauty Tip – Silk Bedding

Sounds like it’s simply a luxury doesn’t it?  Actually, they can be fun at night and also make you look better in the morning.  Silk sheets do the following: 1) Preventing creases in your face 2) It won’t absorb your expensive facial creams like a cotton pillow case. 3) Your hair won’t tangle and knot […]

Mr. & Mrs. F – Boudoir – San Francisco

Mrs. F is a regular client of mine from the Bay Area of California.  I shot her wedding way back when and have done 3 boudoir shoots with her.  In fact, she was my first in a gorgeous suite in a beautiful San Francisco hotel.  This time,  I wanted to collaborate with my favorite Sacramento […]

Lavish Looks – Nude-oir

Pumps – Miss Soho Shoes by Peeptoe Shoes Lipgloss – Mac Lipglass in Viva Glam Gaga Necklace – Seebaum by Aldo Lingerie – La Petite Coquette

Beauty Tip – Faker’s Pedi

I’m not an advocate of faking it, but I must say that I’ve been known to fake a pedi.  Well, CJ knows I do this because he bears witness to my secret.  I am terrible at keeping up with my polish.  I work too hard on projects to keep these tootsies looking anything resembling pristine.  […]

Beauty Tip – Zit Attack

I can’t believe I’m 28 and still get pimples.  Stupid hormones.  Here are my tips to avoid and treat your pimples. 1) Stop touching your face.  ALWAYS.  Use your speaker phone and don’t rest your face on your hands. 2) When you apply your various lotions and potions, use disposable application pads, sponges and Q-Tips.  […]

Miss J – Lavish Boudoir – Atlanta, Georgia

We did J’s shoot at a hotel in Atlanta.  The makeup artist, Latonya Beckum, had arrived so I went downstairs to greet her.  Standing in the lobby, this adorable woman walks by lugging a giant Victoria’s Secret tote.  Of course I assumed it was J, so I stepped out and said hi.  J was so […]

Real Women – Real Answers – #8

Online, in a mall, or in a boutique.  Some things just call to you.  Everybody has some sort of shopping addiction.  Is it something standard like shoes or a handbag, or is it something unusual like cooking supplies or rare books? What’s your shopping addiction? Mine is a toss-up between shoes and lingerie.  I guess […]