Miss G | Supermom
Oh, G… if I could just photograph clients like you all the time, my heart would be so full. I remember you calling to inquire. It was a sunny day and I was enjoying the weather while working from my backyard. You sounded so nervous, I could hear the tremor in your voice. Honestly, when […]
What I See in You…
I take portraits not simply of what is in front of me, but what I create with light, emotion and most importantly your story. We are inundated with reflections… most of which we don’t love. The worst is when you go to take a cell-phone picture and the camera is set for selfies. It’s like, […]
Miss A – Lavish Boudoir
I picked A for my behind the scenes video. I brought on my favorite team… Krystle Farlow for hair, Adeana Dillon for makeup and Tommy for videography. We selected three different looks to show the various sides of sexy. We an create your own fantasy look and have you looking like a supermodel. Thank you, […]
Behind the Scenes Shoot at Lavish Boudoir
Here’s a peek at what it’s like to have your own fantasy shoot with Lavish Boudoir. Thank you to Tommy Davis for creating this gorgeous video capturing what I do for each and every client… make them look and feel like a supermodel. Don’t forget to set it to full screen to appreciate all the […]
Miss B – Lavish Boudoir®
B., Thank you for trusting Adeana and I to make sure you look absolutely fantastic for your portfolio. You are a beautiful woman and as sweet as can be.
Miss L – Live Boudoir® Shoot
When I decided to host an open house, I knew that I HAD to do a live boudoir shoot. Every single client of mine says, “I don’t know how to model,” or “I look awkward in photos and don’t know how to be sexy.” I am constantly reassuring women that I will pose a client […]
Lavish Boudoir – Makeovers Before & After
Remember back in the day when Oprah wasn’t an empire, but just entertaining afternoon TV? Jenny Jones and Ricki Lake? I would park my jr. high butt at the kitchen counter with a snack and just LOVED watching those shows… the makeover episodes in particular. There is something so amazing about the transformation from average […]
Miss K | Black Lace
Miss K was another one of my brave volunteers to take a before picture (but really isn’t she gorgeous even without a stitch of makeup) and then she got the full treatment and a mini shoot. K, you’re absolutely stunning!
Portraits by Lavish Boudoir – Jacksonville, Florida – Miss D
Here is the second gorgeous lady who volunteered to be given the full beauty treatment and allow me to shoot a “before” picture. This lady is hot hot hot! Thanks to Adeana for the fabulous makeup.
Lavish Boudoir – Miss J
I get a lot of women commenting that all the girls in my portfolio are so beautiful and that they could never look like that. So, I enlisted the help of a few ladies to show that these are real women who do things like clean their houses, go to work, and sometimes chase after […]