Miss E | Hot Mama

Dear E, It was fate… a tiny little vendor fair. Like ten people attended… but you did! You had your beautiful daughter with you.  I’m not so great at those kinds of events. One time a young woman in South Georgia went running (literally running) away when she saw what I offer, and I think […]

When all you need is a sheet… or 3

Sometimes I like to do personal shoots that challenge me.  This time, I wanted to see if I could come up with enough fabulous photos to fill my top collection without shooting one bit of lingerie.  Guess what… it worked!  I called up a friend and past client to ask if she was game.  Mind […]

Stripped Down Workshop 2014

Okay this is waaaaay overdue. I thought I wrote about it, but I went back to reference it and couldn’t find a post.  Tonight Adeana had a photo shoot.  I wanted her to push the limits, to bring a sexier edge to her already fabulous photos.  To evoke emotion in her client.  Why?  Because one […]