Miss A | Boudoir
lavish boudoir lavish boudoir lavish boudoir lavish boudoir lavish boudoir People have been asking how long I’ve been a boudoir photographer… and I surprise even myself when I say 6 years. Holy cow. That’s a long time. I knew basically no one, but I needed a portfolio. So I dug around on some modeling websites […]
Happy Mother’s Day!
This is my first Mother’s Day as a mom… even if I’m still little more than an incubator. But it made me think about how every woman should be celebrated in some special way this day. You can be a mom in so many ways. Women are nurturers by nature… we just each choose what […]
Miss G – Boudoir & Beauty Portraits – Tallahassee, FL
OMG – this lady is hot hot hot. Can you believe that she wasn’t sure she wanted to shoot boudoir? After we chatted a bit, I talked her into bringing at least one set of sexy lingerie. Am I glad I did! She looked AMAZING! She’s a self-described simple girl who likes Anthropologie and would […]
Sneak Peek of Miss G – Tallahassee, Florida
I don’t have time to do a full post right now, but I just received a model release from G and had to share a special little sneak peek. More to come later, so stay tuned.
Miss A – Boudoir – Georgia
A little peek at A’s boudoir session. With this fall weather, I’m loving cozy sweaters with boots. Doesn’t it just make you want to cuddle up for a sexy snuggle? Sara, and associate from Randi Buchanan Makeup As Art, did her sexy smokey makeup. A laughed when I told her “Let’s make your hair even […]
Real Women – Real Answers – #5
Beauty blunders… we all make them. Hopefully we learn and move on. Whether it’s a dye-job gone awry or parachute pants, I know you’ve got one. What was your worst beauty blunder? Mine? I’ve had a few. Bowl cuts, bad perms, clothes that were either way too big or way too small. But this may […]